A photoshoot produced by Anna La Germaine with fashion legends Albert Watson and Carmen Dell’Orefice reveals the process behind creating iconic imagery.

Carmen Dell’Orefice by Albert Watson for VOGUE CS April 2023
On the verge of a new era in fashion producer Anna La Germaine creates a Vogue CS photoshoot with Albert Watson and Carmen Dell’Orefice, styled by Brendan Cannon. Anna La Germaine is founder of Fashion Politique, production and PR agency based in London, working in fashion, beauty, and luxury. The message is clear: in the future, there is a need for elegance, artistic approach, and diversity - which also transcends age. As painting is the ancestor of photography, after social media overload, photography takes on the iconicity of painting. The result of this photoshoot is highly educational.

Carmen Dell’Orefice in Jason Wu, bag Marina Raphael, in the April issue of Vogue CS
The 1942-born Albert Watson made history with his portrait of Steve Jobs, as well as those of Andy Warhol, David Bowie, and many other prominent creative figures. Over one hundred covers have been shot by him for Vogue, and he has collaborated with brands like Prada and Chanel. Interviewed by Danilo Venturi he said: Photography encompasses many different things. It can be a picture of a flower, a still life, the Tutankhamun gloves I photographed in the Cairo Museum, a Catherine Deneuve cover, or a movie poster for Kill Bill. In other words, the first thing you have to do is to have a passion for photography, pure photography.
Born in 1931, Carmen Dell’Orefice was already on the cover of Vogue at the age of fifteen and today she is known as the oldest working fashion model. She was Salvador Dalí’s muse and collaborated with brands such as Missoni and Thierry Mugler. Several times she ran out of money in her financial life and always got back on her feet. Although Carmen is the oldest model ever to appear on a Vogue cover and this might be one of her last photoshoots, she has not lost her critical eye. Asked what she would change in the fashion industry, she replied: I would like to see all models protected legally, as is writers’ intellectual property is… with the Plagiarism Law!
Published in the April 2023 Vogue CS issue, the photoshoot took place in New York with the participation of:
Photography: Albert Watson @albertwatsonphotography
Model: Carmen Dell'Orefice @miss.carmen.dell.orefice at IconicFocus Models @iconicfocus
Creative Director: Jan Králíček @kralicek
Stylist: Cannon @thecannonmediagroup at TheOnlyAgency @theonlyagency
Photography Agent: Elizabeth Watson
Production: Danilo Venturi @ridaniloventu and Anna la Germaine @anna_lagermaine_private
for Fashion Politique @fashionpolitique
Hair: Linh Nguyen @linhhair at SeeManagement @seemanagement using AMIKA @amika
Makeup: Romero Jennings @romerojennings for M.A.C. Cosmetics @maccosmetics
Nails: Jazz Style @jazzstyle at SeeManagement @seemanagement using Dior @diorbeauty
Film Director/Editor: James Weber @james_weber at Black T Films @black_t_films
Set designer: Colin Lytton @colinl_
Digital Capture: Taro Hashimura @ktaronyc
Postproduction: Emi Robinson
Video Interview: Cannon @thecannonmediagroup and Danilo Venturi @ridaniloventu
for Fashion Politique @fashionpolitique
PR: FP PR&Media @fp.pr
Studio: Hudson Yards Loft Studios @hudsonyardsloft
Studio Manager: David Roman @davidroman1122
Special thanks to: Patty Sicular @pattysicular, Lori Modugno @lorimodugno & Jill Cohen @jillcperlman at IconicFocus Models @iconicfocus
Carmen Dell’Orefice in L to R, Rick Owens, mask by Erickson Beamon, and Verdavainne in the April issue of Vogue CS
Extra content: full interviews
All interviews were conducted by Danilo Venturi, Director of IED Firenze, and author of Brand Persona: The Four-Step Method.
Extra content: videos
Carmen and Albert’s video interview is a rare opportunity to see two legends share their life experiences and tips. Over the past two decades, fashion has privileged quantity over quality, and work ethics are much lower now than they used to be. The industry allows many people in without testing whether they are truly qualified. As a result, our industry is now suffering. The time has come to learn from the old masters and implement what they taught in today’s world. Enjoy the rare, high-quality material we created for you.
The backstage video shows the ethics and principles of the Carmen and Albert generation on set, as well as how they are trained to work. They are more charming than many models and photographers, and you cannot stop watching it once you start. You cherish every moment in which you get to see and experience new information. Several educators commented on how powerful the videos are and how they will recommend them to their students. This video is highly recommended for young professionals and for schools.